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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


 Neste video, criminoso que participou de um roubo a caixa eletrônico que resultou na morte de um PM que levou um tiro de fuzil que pegou nas costas do policial, atravessou o colete de um lado a outro, o bandido é interrogado sobre detalhes do esquema da quadrilha. (Por: Valdemir Mota de Menezes)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


By: Valdemir Mota DE Menezes

Many truck drivers are themselves thieves load, and then go to police to report the robberies were committed by themselves. The case below is suspect.

Attend the victim call police saying that this is company driver XXXX Transport and that on this date had loaded the truck-tractor with a container in the port of Santos, in Marimex. When the truck stopped in the street of hunger and bought a snack and when the truck came to eat, was rendered by a white man, apparently 34 years old and with a gun in his hand sent the victim to move on when he arrived in Alemoa the victim was placed on a Vectra silver color and with bowed head was running with this vehicle until about 19:30, when the victim was abandoned on Highway Immigrants in Town district Nautica. The truck has tracker, reports that the victim does not know what the cargo container. Besides the truck-tractor was subtracted from the trailer, but the victim does not have the card. The victim could not speak with the carrier nor with the tracking company, not knowing that the end had the vehicle and load. In the Vectra were two individuals who did not know the victim describes them.